Climate Change: un cartello nel deserto

Climate Change

Il Consiglio Europeo ha adottato le conclusioni sul cambiamento climatico in vista di COP24 a Katowice (Polonia) in dicembre

“The Council today adopted conclusions on climate change which emphasise the unprecedented urgency which is needed to step up global efforts to avoid the dangerous effects of climate change. Climate change is happening and its effects are being felt all over the world. Environment ministers are sending a strong political signal in these conclusions, which constitute the basis for the EU’s position at the forthcoming COP24 climate conference in Katowice, Poland, in December.

Today we have underlined again that the EU will continue to lead the way in global action on climate action. The EU needs to play a crucial role in this important issue. Today’s conclusions give us a robust and consistent position for COP24″.

Leggi il documento del Consiglio Europeo