“Proposte per una nuova Europa” è il titolo del n. 2 di Quistioni, il quadrimestrale del Partito della Sinistra Europea pubblicato in tre lingue (inglese, francese e spagnolo).
L’indice di questo numero:
Heinz Bierbaum (Berlin) – Europe and the Left
Paolo Ferrero (Turin) – Some analysis insights on the politics of the European ruling classes
Matyas Benyik (Budapest) – Prague Spring 2 Network against right wing extremism and populism
Paola Boffo (Rome) – How the European Union is changing: some reflections
Vincent Boulet (Paris) – The future of Europe: no adjustments, but another European construction!
Michael Brie (Berlin) – Don’t repeat the West’s Greatest Folly. Criticism of the Chinese government may be justified, but warmed-over anti-communism will lead to a new Cold war
Xavier Dupret (Brussels) – A plea for an alternative Ecb
Silvano Falocco (Rome) – The great battle of green finance
Mamdouh Habashi (Cairo) – The EU: where to?
Cornelia Hildebrandt (Berlin/Vienna) and Marga Ferré (Madrid) – Left Proposals are not enough, we need strategies to enforce them
Pierre Laurent (Paris) – Europe will not be the same as before, it is up to us to change it
Francisco Louçã (Lisbon) – European rulers are the danger to Europe
Íñigo Martínez Zatón (Bilbao) – From a Europe of competitiveness to a Europe of cooperation
Dimitrios Papadimoulis (Athens) – Opportunities and challenges for a new Europe in the era of the pandemic
Jeremy Smith (London) – The future of Europe – high time for democracy in the economic sphere
Franco Russo (Rome) – EU: pandemic and innovation processes
European Left – Conference on the Future of Europe – Considerations from the Left Perspective
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